Tired? Me? Never

Jobbade igår 6-10 och imorse 7-14 med hela 5 timmar sömn. Great job! Kaffe har varit min livlina idag, och jag dricker aldrig kaffe. Lite roligare att jobba kväll faktiskt. Tror det mest handlar om att man får ha en skjorta istället för en tshirt. Känns lite mera exlusivt.

No panic

No, no panic just everything at once...

Sorry for being absent

Yes I know I am bad at this, as usual but now I am stressed out of my mind and I have no time to do anything. But yes I am alive, there's just a little bit less of me. My clothes are starting to really just fall off me. But I hear that that's what happens when you lose weight. And yes I am eating. I eat a lot. On monday I ate dinner two times, one at home and one at work. So no that is not it. The weight is not really a problem except that my clothes look too big. And how much weight did I lose you might ask yourself. Well, at the moment it's 8 kilos. Two more and I will be back at the same weight I had when I was 15. Go Stina! or not...

18 years old.


Jag blir så less..i typ två veckor har de sagt att de ska ringa och återkomma men de gör de aldrig :S

Party ideas

Kanske något för tema festen Camilla? :P


Today, right when we were finished with out memo, I had a great feeling. The memo was done and in real good time. Then we started looking through it. It was so not finished. It was incomplete, we had misunderstood the assignment and now we had to rewright a lot. I am not much help since I had a total brain freeze in the meaning of not being able to think anything productive for a few hours.


The middle of the working week and I am very productive I must say. Yesterday was extreme with lecture, studying, power walking, cleaning, washing clothes, doing dishes, help preparing a four course dinner, having the four course dinner and then cleaning up again. And in between all of that I started planing my life. Or planing the next step. Or something like it...


The middle of the working week and I am very productive I must say. Yesterday was extreme with lecture, studying, power walking, cleaning, washing clothes, doing dishes, help preparing a four course dinner, having the four course dinner and then cleaning up again. And in between all of that I started planing my life. Or planing the next step. Or something like it...


Now we're in the final part of the tourism programe. The question is not if I will graduate anymore, that I can do with some dedication and some hard work. The problem is what to do when I graduate. Stay or go? and if I chose to go. Where should I go?


My motivation for studying right now is the EPP tomorrow. EPP for those who might not know what it means is Efter plugg pub, after study pub. Which is that at two or three on fridays the pubs on campus are open for those who want to sit down, have a beer, eat some food and listen to music. We do this every now and then, I like it alot. I guess it's kinda like after work but for students.

A picture not from an EPP but also not from Turkey :P haha it has beer though

And why English you might ask yourself

For third reasons really. One, I need to practice writing in english since I'll have classes and write assignments in english for my next course. So then by starting now the transition will hopefully be easier than if I don't. The second reason is because I like english, I used to speak it all the time in high school (international class) and talk to alot of people who only spoke english. In turkey I realized just how bad my english has become, especially the writing and spelling. So this is a bit of a challenge as well. Which is good. Life shouldn't be too easy right?

The third reason is that I always used to write in english in my old blogs, the really really old ones. I am now talking about the ones I had when I was like 14 and 15. I think I even wrote in english until I met Fredrik and then I was 18. There for I think it's good to go back to basics and maybe it's good practice for my readers, all 10 of you :P

And the spelling might be bad, so sorry for that in advance..

And no, I have no idea how long I will keep on with the English...


I feel as troubled as I look on this picture...damn exam...

Taken in Efesos on a very very windy and cold day in Turkey. Not the best photo of me but it's better than if I'd take one with the webcam right now :P

just for kicks

Too much melodramatic shit, stole this from Mads.  :P

The Jehovah's are the best :P

The last exam, maybe

On friday we have our last exam. My four years of studying is coming to an end, feels kind of sad but also like a huge reliefe. I can't believe it's been four years. Or now it's more like 3.5 and I still have a of work to do, with the final paper to write and a whole other course about Tourism planning. But no more exams if I pass this one and the one I did on saturday. I never had to retake one exam before so if I have to do that now it would be very ironic since I should now be at the peak of my studies and know a lot more than I did when I first started. Can't really say that the religion studies are helping me at the moment but if I had started at the Tourism program one year early I wouldn't have had the same classmates as I have now. We all have our ups and down but we are all a good team. So many different characters and opinions but we've stuck together through bad classes and good. Now we just need to go through the last months and then we will be invincible.

At the moment we are talking about the future and it's interesting to see how people that have had the same goal for 2.5 years (to graduate) suddenly have different goals and dreams. Some people want to settle down and other people just want to get the hell out of here. My own plans are slowly starting to take form and it's both terrifying and great at the same time. I can do what ever I want (almost) and the world is at my feets.

Now it's time for Swedish master chef, I love cooking shows.


Me and Pedro from the last night in Turkey, yes the picture is upside down, but that's how Pedro took it, just look at the date haha


I am addict, I need my fix. You gave it to me when I was in a very dark place. It helped me see the world again. It helped me find myself again. It felt good, great I dare to say even awesome. The happiness was more vibrant and near than I could ever have imagined. Then in one heart beat you took it away. The thing which I didn't know I wanted or needed. I stared wanting it more, craving it. Desperation started showing, which is not a pretty colour on me. You moved the fix even further away so it was out of reach. Then all of a sudden you let me smell it, you talked about it, how great it was and if I just played my cards right you would let me have it. One second later it was gone. You were gone. I crashed.  Since then the addiction has gotten less, though on weak moments it's right there again and worse than before. I am slowly standing up again without it. I have no choice, I just have to. The desperation is gone, but in some lights you can still see shades of it running across my face.


Det har kommit upp en video från utbytet...


Hur ska man lyckas fokusera på tentan är det är så mycket annat i skallen?


Samma lista som förra året


1. Gjorde du något i år som du aldrig gjort förut?

Åkte till Kroatien och Turkiet, röntgade hjärnan..

2. Höll du några av dina nyårslöften?

Hade inga...

3. Blev någon/några av dina vänner föräldrar i år?


4. Dog någon som stod dig nära?

Nej, och hoppas att det blir samma svar nästa år

5. Vilka länder besökte du?

Kroatien och Turkiet

6. Är det något du saknat år 2010 som du vill ha år 2011?

Mer resor och mer jobb

7. Vilket datum från år 2010 kommer du alltid att minnas?

Inget särskillt

8. Vad var din största framgång 2010?


9. Största misstaget?

Istället för att bara njuta av stunden så har jag fokuserat för mycket på allt dåligt

10. Har du varit sjuk eller skadat dig?

Brännskadat armen och haft huvudvärk

11. Bästa köpet?

Min skinnjacka

12. Vad spenderade du mest pengar på?


13. Gjorde någonting dig riktigt glad?

Reste, alltid lika roligt

14. Vilka sånger kommer alltid att påminna dig om 2010?

No getting over you

15. Var du gladare eller ledsnare i år jämfört med tidigare år?

Definitivt ledsnare

16. Vad önskar du att du gjort mer?

Levt istället för att funderat

17. Vad önskar du att du gjort mindre?

Stannat hemma så mycket

18. Hur tillbringar du julen?

Halva dagen med min familj och andra halvan med fredriks familj

19. Blev du kär i år?


20. Favoritprogram på TV?

How I met your mother

21. Bästa boken du läste i år?

The age of five - Trudi Canavan

22. Största musikaliska upptäckten?

Dans musiken i Turkiet

24. Något du önskade dig och fick när du fyllde år?

Ja :) från Fredrik

25. Något du önskade dig men inte fick?


26. Vad gjorde du på din födelsedag 2010?

Jag var halva dagen nere i övik, kvällen innan hade vi hjälpt till med lillebrors hockeyfest och pappa fick då pink hink att spela en låt för mig. På min födelsedag åkte vi upp till umeå och hade fest här på tomtebo...

27. Finns det någonting som skulle gjort ditt år ännu bättre?

Lite mera tid utomlands..som alltid...

28. Hur skulle du beskriva din stil år 2010?

Enkelt med lite twist ibland

29. Vad fick dig att må bra?

Fredrik och Turkiet

30. Vilken kändis var du mest sugen på?

Ingen särskilld

31. Vem saknade du?

Valeria då hon ibland har svårt att hålla sig i sverige :p

32. De bästa nya människorna du träffade?

Turkiet folket :)

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